
Head of Department - Department of Cross-Cultural and Regional Studies(ToRS),University of Copenhagen



      1987 Lic.Phil. Near Eastern Archaeology, University of Copenahgen

      1981 Mag. Art. Near Eastern Archaeology, University of Copenhagen

      1974 BA, Scandinavian Archaeology, University of Copenhagen

     Academic Positions (Selected)

2003-present: Head of Department, Department of Cross-Cultural and Regional Studies(ToRS), University of Copenhagen

1992- present: Associate Professor, University of Copenhagen, Near Eastern Archaeology

2000-01: (Wintersemester): Guest Professor at Freie Universität Berli

Academic and Scientific Duties and Experience

Board Memberships:Danish Institute in Damascus; International Congress on the Archaeology of the Ancient Near East (ICAANE) 1998-present; Danish Research Council for the Humanities, 2004-10; OrbisTerrarum(publishing the Journal Sfinx);2013-present; Corresponding member of DeutschesArchaeologischesInstitut

Teaching and supervising experienceextensive at all levels, BA, MA and PhD; initiation of web-based language learning (Arabic, Turkish and Persian)study programs and annual international seminars for graduate students (Berlin-Copenhagen Seminar)

2003: UNESCO expert on Iraq archaeology participating in the second facts finding mission

     Research Interests

Prehistory(Syria, Jordan), material analysis, archaeological science, heritage understanding and management (meaning of heritage and heritage policy making and management (Al Zubarah), Cultural Property Protection during armed conflicts (Iraq and Syria), UNESCO World Heritage and Cultural Property Protection)



Director of Archaeological Excavation in:Qatar, 2009- present (Al Zubarah Archaeological Site, UNESCO World Heritage); Jordan, 1999-present (ShaqaratMsiad, Mt. Nebo Survey); Syria, 1990-1995 (Tell Mashnaqa)


List of Publications (selected):

Mortensen, P, Thuesen, I & Mortensen, ID 2013. Mount Nebo. An Archaeological Survey of the Region.Vol. I.The Palaeolithic and the Neolithic Periods.Aarhus: Universitetsforlag. Proceedings of the Danish Institute in Damascus, vol. 8

Thuesen, I 2013, Babylon ikrig anno 2003, in Sfinx, vol. 35, no. 4, pp. 170-173

Kinzel, M , Thuesen, I &Sobott, R 2013. Conserving Zubarah: towards a conservation strategy for Al Zubarah Archaeological Site, Qatar, inProceedings of the Seminar for Arabian Studies: Papers from the forty-sixth meeting of the Seminar for Arabian Studies held at the British Museum, London 13 to 15 July 2012. Oxford:Archaeopress.Vol. 43, pp. 167-176.

Thuesen, I &Marchetti, N 2008.Archaia: Case Studies on Research Planning, Characterisation, Conservation and Management of Archaeological Sites. Oxford: Archaeopress. U.K. BAR International Series, no.1877

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