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Professor Zou Tongqian from BISU Announces Enrolment of Postdoctoral Scholar for 2021 Beijing International Studies University Announces Enrolment of Postdoctoral Scholars for 2021
来源:中国文化和旅游产业研究院 日期:2021-04-27 浏览次数: 字号:[ ]

Source: Office of Research                    Date: December 25, 2020


Beijing International Studies University (BISU) is a renowned institution of higher education of multi-disciplines, offering subjects and courses of literature, management, economics, and law, with the foreign languages and literature as its dominant discipline and tourism management as its specialized discipline. It is an important base in China for the teaching and research of foreign languages, translation, tourism, and economics and foreign trade.


BISU, founded in 1964 with the support of China’s late premier Zhou Enlai, was one of China's first few institutions that offered undergraduate education in foreign languages. In its history, BISU was once under the successive leaderships of China International Cultural Liaison Commission, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the People's Government of Beijing Municipality, Ministry of Education and China National Tourism Administration. Today, BISU is sponsored by the People's Government of Beijing Municipality.


With “Integrity, Diligence, Truth, and Leadership” as its motto, BISU has long dedicated itself to passing down eastern and western civilizations and cultural and educational exchanges between China and other countries. Students are inspired to learn from both civilizations and achieve the unity of knowing and doing, while its exceptional faculty is committed to offering students education in the spirit of humanities education. BISU has accumulated profound academic tradition and distinctive experience in teaching, and had a strong faculty, including a group of recognized professors and famous translators in China.


The following goal is set at the University’s Eighth CPC Congress. To build BISU into a teaching-research oriented, internationalized, innovative and application-typed university, BISU determines two programs as key disciplines: Foreign Languages & Literature and Tourism Management, offers students a broad, interdisciplinary education with an international perspective, and educates qualified graduates working for the development of the Capital and inter-cultural exchange affairs. BISU’s initial goal is to become a first-rate foreign studies university with global influence in China by 2022. By 2035, with the established educational system of internationalization that serves the country’s modernization and the cultivation of application-typed, high-end and composite talents, BISU will have established a research system characterized by its special function to serve the country’s strategy and the Capital’s tasks. With its key disciplines listed as the country’s first-rate programs, BISU will be built into China’s top world-recognized modern foreign language university.


At present, BISU offers 45 undergraduate majors (including 26 Bachelor's programs in modern foreign languages). Five primary disciplines and 29 secondary disciplines have been authorized to confer Master’s degrees. It also offers six professional Master’s degree programs. BISU has a Joint Doctoral Program in translation with Binghamton University-the State University of New York, a Joint Doctoral Program in tourism management with University of South Carolina, Columbia, and two post-doctoral research stations (co-founded with Social Sciences Academic Press and with Capital University of Economics and Business). It has two municipal first-rate majors (Tourism Management, Foreign Language and Literature) and four municipal key disciplines (Foreign Language and Literature, Tourism Management, Business Management, International Trade) of Beijing, four national characteristic majors (Japanese, Arabic Language, English, Tourism Management), and one pilot reform major of Ministry of Education (Japanese).


Since 2016 when BISU started the postdoctoral programs, it has cultivated 15 postdoctoral scholars. Eleven of them have already left the research stations after completing their corresponding researches. The rest of the four scholars have pursued teaching at BISU after passing the assessments made by the university.  


BISU will admit postdoctoral scholars for 2021 through open enrolment, with specific information listed as follows.


I. Research Domains


Primary Discipline


Research Direction

Requirement for Major

Enrolment Number

Foreign Language and Literature

Si Xianzhu

Translation Studies, Functional Linguistics,  International Communication

Foreign Language and Literature, Journalism and Communication  


Zhang Huiqin

Cross-cultural Study, International Communication, Public Opinion Analysis

Foreign Language and Literature, Journalism and Communication


Business Management

Zou Tongqian

Cultural Heritage Protection, Culture and Tourism, Digital Culture and Tourism

Cultural Heritage, Cultural Industry, Geography, Management, Digital Technology


Cui Li

Tourism Planning, Sustainable Development, Ecological Tourism and Red Tourism

Regional Economics, Resources and Environmental Economics, Finance, Ecology, Cartography and Geographic Information System and other relevant majors  


Tang Chengcai

Ecological Tourism, Ice and Snow Tourism, Cultural Tourism, Rural Tourism

Geography, Ecology and Economics related majors


Applied Economics

Liang Haoguang

The Belt and Road Initiative and Global Governance (Investment and Security, Geoeconomics, Theory and Policy of Regional Economic Integration )

International Relations, International Politics, Economic Geography and other related majors


Zhang Jinbao

Financial Engineering and Risk Management, Government Debt Risk, International Investment and Financing, Consumer Finance

Finance and Economics related majors


Chinese Language and Literature

Liu Yan

World Literature and Comparative Literature, Modern and Contemporary Chinese Literature, Feminist Literature, International Sinology, Translation Studies

Foreign Language and Literature, Comparative Literature, Literature and Art, Modern and Contemporary Chinese Literature, Translation Studies


Journalism and Communication

Qu Ru

New Media and International Communication

Journalism and Communication, English



II. Admission Requirements


1. Have a high political awareness and high sense of ethics, abide by laws, enjoy a good health and have no misconduct;


2. Have a doctoral degree (the doctoral student fresh from university shall get doctoral degree by July 2021);


3. Aged under 35;


4. Engage in postdoctoral research on a full-time basis;


5. Be within three years of doctoral graduation;


6. Have a professional background required by the chosen postdoctoral program and possess strong research ability and innovative spirit;


7. Have no labor contract signed with other units;


III. Application Materials

1. A resume;


2. A postdoctoral application form;


3. A research proposal about the chosen field (3,000-5,000 words);


4. Doctoral diploma and doctoral degree (doctoral students fresh from university can offer Decision of the Doctoral Dissertation Defense Committee);


5. Two recommendation letters from the experts of the chosen field (one of the experts must be the doctoral advisor of the applicant);


6. Doctoral thesis and two representative academic theses;


7. ID card (the front and back sides printed on the same side of the page);


IV. The procedures for application approval

1. The applicant should send the electronic version of the above materials to ewbh@bisu.edu.cn by May 31, 2021;


2. After passing the preliminary review of the materials submitted, qualified candidates will be informed of an interview, after passing which they can go through relevant admission formalities.


V. Remuneration and welfare

1. BISU offers postdoctoral scholars research funds not lower than national standard;


2. BISU provides postdoctoral scholars with necessary offices and house;  


3. During the postdoctoral scholars’ research at BISU, the matters related to the transfer of their registered permanent residence and children’s admission will be addressed in accordance with National Management Office of Doctoral Students.


VI. Contact information

Contact person:  Guo

Telephone: 86-10-65778940

E-mail: ewbh@bisu.edu.cn

Address: Room 405, Mingde Building, Beijing International Studies University, No.1, Dingfuzhuang Nanli, Chaoyang District, Beijing, P. R. China, 100024


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