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Agrotourism, Ecotourism and Sustainable Tourism: Theory, Practice, Problems and Solutions
来源:中国文化和旅游产业研究院 日期:2021-05-24 浏览次数: 字号:[ ]


    "Silk Road" International University of Tourism invites you to participate in the international online conference (in the format of video conferencing based on the Internet platform; identification number and password will be announced), which will be held on June 11, 2021 at 10:00 a.m. This conference is organized in collaboration with Beijing International Studies University.  The topic of the conference will be "Agrotourism, Ecotourism and Sustainable Tourism: Theory, Practice, Problems and Solutions".
    The main purpose of the international conference is to discuss scientific and practical issues with the participation of international and national scholars and international experts on the development of agritourism, ecotourism and sustainable tourism in Uzbekistan. Furthermore, the purpose includes to develop recommendations on the topic of the conference, to determine the areas of research, to provide practical recommendations to government agencies and relevant organizations on the development of agritourism, ecotourism and sustainable tourism.
    The conference is open to foreign and local scholars, university professors, practitioners, research institutes, doctoral and independent researchers, master and bachelor students with their articles and theses.

    The language of the international conference will be English.

    The main sections of the international conference:

  • Theoretical issues of rural (agrotourism) tourism development;

  •  International experience in the development of agritourism; 

  • Analysis of the current trends of agro-tourism, ecotourism and sustainable tourism and prospects for their development in Uzbekistan; 

  • Technologies for the formation and promotion of tourism products in the field of agritourism and ecotourism;

  •  Marketing and management in agrotourism, ecotourism and sustainable tourism.

   Forms of participation in the online conference:

  • Plenary session report;
  • Video / audio presentation;
  • Participate in discussions.

   Requirements for acceptance of articles and theses:

    1) The content of the scientific article should be as follows:
      a) research actuality and relevance to existing problems in the field;
      b) solutions to the problems;
      c) science-based suggestions and recommendations;
      d) expected economic and social impact.

   2) Scientific articles and theses must be carefully edited and comply with all technical requirements of the formulation, including:
  - text editor - writing in MS Word format;
  - page - A4 size, in book form, 20 mm on all sides;
  - font - Times New Roman, size (Kegel) - 14;
  - line spacing and paragraph spacing - 1.5;
  - The volume of the scientific article and thesis should not exceed a minimum of 5 pages and a maximum of 8 pages;
  - Submitted papers should be original with high-quality and unpublished results of conceptual, experimental research on any topic mentioned above. The article should be result of scientific research undertaken by the author;
  - the article has not been submitted to another journal for publication at the same time;
  - the content of the article is well written theoretically and methodologically and corresponds to the theme of the conference;
  - The author's full name, academic degree and title, position, name of the scientific institution and organization should be written in the upper right corner, and the title of the scientific article in the middle (in bold);
  - The number of authors should not exceed three;
  - one author does not submit more than one article;
  - all tables, diagrams and pictures in MS Word format, Times New Roman font, their names should be written at the bottom of the diagrams and pictures, and the names of the tables should be written at the top;
  - all graphs, diagrams in MS Excel format;
  - tables, figures and graphs should indicate sources and references of theirs;
  - the list of references used in the article should be in accordance with the requirements of the APA format: this link
- Links should be placed at the bottom of each page.
  3) The scientific article should be formed in the following structure:
   3.1 Abstract;
   3.2. Introduction;
   3.3. Literature review;
   3.4. Research methodology;
   3.5. Results;
   3.6. Discussion and conclusion;
   3.7. Suggestions and recommendations;
   3.8. List of references.
  4) Scientific articles and abstracts can be submitted in Uzbek, Russian or English.
  5) Those who wish to submit an article to the conference must submit their application form via this link before submitting their scientific articles and theses via this link by June 5, 2021. The article’s research area which related to any conference section should be clearly stated in the application form (Research area of the article). Articles that do not meet the relevant requirements, do not have scientific and practical recommendations, and are submitted after the deadline will not be considered and will not be returned to the authors.
  6) Submitted scientific articles and theses will be examined for compliance with the above requirements, as well as checked with the anti-plagiarism program. The materials which are concluded ineligible by Conference Scientific Committee will not be published and will not be returned to the author. Scientific articles and thesis which are approved will be included in the electronic collection for publication and posted on the official website https://univ-silkroad.uz/en/. Also, the articles which are written in English covered the conference topic in a scientific manner and written in accordance with the rules, will be published in the University's “The Journal of Silk Road Tourism Studies”.
  7) The author is personally responsible for the originality of the article and the reliability of the information contained in it.

Members of the Scientific Committee of the International Conference:

1. DSc. Professor J.D. Eltazarov

2. PhD., Associate Professor I.R. Patterson

3. PhD., Associate Professor S.J. Wroblewski

4. DSc. F.A. Abdurakhmonov

5. PhD. M.H. Siddikova

6. Prof. Zou Tongqian

Address: Samarkand, University boulevard, 17

Contact phone: +998976143377

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