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Notice on the 9th National College Students’Red Tourism Creative Planning Contest
来源:中国文化和旅游产业研究院 日期:2021-05-06 浏览次数: 字号:[ ]

Source: China Academy of Culture and Tourism     Date: September 16, 2019


To universities, research institutes, and postgraduate education units:

To thoroughly study and implement Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, commemorate the 98th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China and the 70th anniversary of the founding of the People’s Republic of China, and promote the implementation of the goals and tasks set out in the National Red Tourism Development Plan 2016-2020, we will hold the 9th National College Students’ Red Tourism Creative Planning Contest themed on “Blessing Our Motherland and Inheriting the Tradition of Revolution”.


Relevant information is hereby notified as follows. Please log on China Tourism Education Network (www.cteweb.cn) or click “Read the original text” at the end of this notice to download and view the information. Registration website: https://www.wjx.top/jq/42189958.aspx


Tourism Education Branch of China Tourism Association

No. [2019] 14


Notice on the 9th National College Students’ Red Tourism Creative Planning Contest

To universities, research institutes, and postgraduate education units:

To thoroughly study and implement Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, commemorate the 98th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China and the 70th anniversary of the founding of the People’s Republic of China, and promote the implementation of the goals and tasks set out in the National Red Tourism Development Plan 2016-2020, we will hold the 9th National College Students’ Red Tourism Creative Planning Contest (hereinafter referred to as the contest) themed on “Blessing Our Motherland and Inheriting the Tradition of Revolution”. Relevant information is hereby notified as follows:  


1. Organization information

Hosts: Tourism Education Branch of China Tourism Association

Beijing International Studies University

China Education Television

Anhui Provincial Department of Culture and Tourism

Organizers: School of Tourism Sciences, Beijing International Studies University

People’s Government of Jinzhai County, Anhui Province

“Red Tourism Youth” Ideological and Political Office of Beijing International Studies University

Support unit: School of Geography and Tourism, Anhui Normal University

Media outlets: People.cn, sina.com.cn, China Education Television, China Tourism, cntour.cn and other central media, industry media and local media


2. Time and place

Deadline for registration: September 10, 2019

Deadline for submission of entries: September 20, 2019

Announcement date of finalists: October 10, 2019

Final date: October 31, 2019

Final venue: Jinzhai County, Anhui Province


3. Theme of the contest

The main theme of the contest is “Blessing Our Motherland and Inheriting the Tradition of Revolution”. During the preliminary contest, contestants can design red tourism routes, red tourism creative planning products and red tourism creative marketing micro-videos related to one place (or several places) of red cultural resources in Anhui Province. (The contestant can choose one of the three options, but a complete plan or design scheme is a must regardless of the chosen field).

The final will be themed on “Generals’ Hometowns Witnessing the Development of China’s Revolution and People’s Liberation Army”. Centering on this theme, the contestant can design red tourism routes, red tourism creative planning products and red tourism creative marketing micro-videos related to the red cultural resources in Jinzhai County, Anhui Province. (The type of the work chosen for the final should be consistent with that of the preliminary contest. A complete plan or design scheme is also a must).

Contestants will be encouraged to combine red tourism with other forms of tourism, and design tourism routes, tourism products and creative schemes that integrate red tourism, traditional sightseeing tourism, ecological tourism, folk tourism, rural tourism, leisure tourism, urban tourism and other projects.




Requirement for Entries of the 9th National College Students’ Red Tourism Creative Planning Contest


I. Topic requirements

1. The theme of the work is "Blessing Our Motherland and Inheriting the Tradition of Revolution ".

2. Design and make red tourism routes, red tourism creative planning products or red tourism creative marketing micro-videos based on the theme of the contest. (The contestant can choose one of the three options, but a complete plan or design scheme is a must regardless of the chosen field). Contestants will be encouraged to combine red tourism with other forms of tourism, and design tourism routes and tourism products and schemes that integrate red tourism, traditional sightseeing tourism, ecological tourism, folk tourism, rural tourism, leisure tourism, urban tourism and other projects.

3. Finalists need to plan and display one more red tourism route, red tourism creative planning product or red tourism creative marketing micro-video related to the development of red tourism at the designated site (Jinzhai County, Anhui Province). (The type of the work chosen for the final should be consistent with that of the preliminary contest. A complete plan or design scheme is also a must). The work chosen for the final, plus the work of the preliminary contest, will be regarded as the entries for the final.

II. Content requirements

1. The design scheme should be innovative, healthy, environmentally friendly and positive. While meeting the requirements of marketing norms and sustainable development, it should be combined with the development trend of informatization, new media and new technology. Meanwhile, it must stay close to market demand and reflect the trend of the times;

2. The name of the scheme and team should be accurate and concise enough to summarize the content and creative features of the scheme;

3. There should be a clear research object for the tourism destination scheme, a comprehensive analysis of the destination, a reasonable content structure and a clear level.

4. The design and research methods, which can be presented in diversified forms, must be viable. If statistics are provided, they must be detailed and reliable and analyzed via correct methods;

5. The details of the scheme and relevant analysis should be accurate, professional, realistic and workable;

6. The text of the scheme should be readable and logical;

III. Framework requirements

1. Name and slogan of the team

2. Name of the scheme

3. Abstract of the scheme

4. The text of the scheme (including its background, the questions raised, the ideas, the specific plan, feasibility analysis and financial budget, etc.).

*Note: The above “framework requirements” are mainly set for the planning and design of “red tourism routes” and “red tourism creative planning products”. Those who choose to make “red tourism creative marketing micro-videos” can design the video structure according to the characteristics of the work, but they still need to submit a design scheme based on the above framework.

IV. Requirement for entries

1. The submitted work should have a complete and detailed text description, which can fully express the creativity, ideas and content of the design scheme;

2. The submitted entry file package should contain a complete creative planning text with a specific theme (Word or PDF format); for those whose design is about “red tourism creative marketing micro-videos”, they need to submit the micro video and a complete creative design scheme.

3. The submitted work must not contain any information about the contestant’s school and personal information. To ensure the fairness of the contest and the implementation of the anonymous review system, works failing to meet this requirement will be disqualified from the contest;

4. The works of all participating units shall be submitted in compressed form to the designated mailbox honglvdasai@163.com. The naming requirement: “name of the participating unit-name of the team-name of the work”, such as “Beijing International Studies University-Sparks of Fire-Zunyi Conference Shines”.

5. The requirements of the entries for the finals will be explained in a separate final notice.

6. Entries that are suspected of plagiarism and other misconducts will be disqualified from the contest.



A WeChat group has been created for the contestants of the 9th National College Students’ Red Tourism Creative Planning Contest. After the group has over 100 followers, however, those who apply to join it must rely on the help of their WeChat follower already in the group. To help the instructors and the contestants to join the group in a more convenient way, Mr. Zhou Quan’s WeChat ID (zhouquan209) is offered. By firstly following him on WeChat, you can join the group with his help. (When submitting a request for following him on WeChat, please note that you are a participant of the above-mentioned contest.)


Dear contestants and instructors,


The information on the red cultural resources of Anhui Province (including Jinzhai County) has been well prepared, which can be downloaded through the following Baidu netdisk address. Link: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1mJbHjaEIIlpXPpunM7Yqgw. Extraction code: h5q6 (you can also download the information by copying the address and then opening the mobile app of Baidu netdisk.)

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