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CACT was selected as the first pilot unit of the think tank in areas of culture and tourism by the Ministry of Culture and Tourism
来源:中国文化和旅游产业研究院 日期:2022-04-20 浏览次数: 字号:[ ]

On 19 August 2021, the General Office of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism of the People’s Republic of China announced the list of the first pilot units for the construction of the think tank in areas of culture and tourism. A total of 19 units were selected, and China Academy of Culture & Tourism was one of these units.

 Since the Ministry of Culture and Tourism organized the declaration of pilot units for the construction of the think tank in March 2021, Gu Xiaoyuan, Chairperson of BISU Council, and Ji Jinbiao, President of BISU, have attached great importance to the declaration of pilot units for the China Academy of Culture & Tourism and gave their comprehensive guidance and support. Vice President Cheng Wei and Director Wang Chenghui of the Office of Scientific Research have guided the whole process and actively mobilized the university's resources to support the declaration. Serving the market regulation, industrial development and heritage protection and utilization of China's culture and tourism industry, the think tank program highlights three key research directions, including culture and tourism market regulation, culture and tourism industry development and cultural heritage protection and tourism utilization.

The pilot units for the construction of the think tank in the culture and tourism industry is the first nationwide selection of distinctive and clearly positioned industry think tank by the Ministry of Culture and Tourism to strengthen the construction of a think tank with Chinese characteristics and provide strong intellectual support for the development of China's culture and tourism.


The List of the First Pilot Units for the Construction of the Think Tank in Areas of Culture and Tourism

1.National Library of China      

Key research directions: policy-making and consulting; Chinese studies; smart libraries.

2.Chinese National Academy of Arts  

Key research directions: the construction of a cultural power; the construction of national cultural parks.

3.China Tourism Academy (Data Center of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism)

Key research directions: tourism development strategies and policies; culture and tourism data decision support.

4.Jiangsu Provincial Academy of Culture and Arts

Key research directions: exploration the integration of culture and tourism practices; local culture governance; public cultural services.

5.Shandong Academy of Arts

Key research directions: the new business model of culture and art in the digital era; governance in the new stage of culture and art development.

6.Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources, CAS

Key research directions: the conservation and sustainable utilization of culture and tourism resources; the spatial evolution patterns and element layout patterns of tourist sites.

7.Institute for Global Cooperation and Understanding, Peking University

Key research directions: national foreign culture policies and strategies; intercultural communication and transmission; arts management and culture industries.

8.Institute of Culture Industry, Renmin University of China

Key research directions: cultural industry park; culture industry development data; talent in culture and tourism industry.

9.China Academy of Culture and Tourism, BISU

Key research directions: culture and tourism market regulation; culture and tourism industry development; cultural heritage protection and tourism utilization.

10.Collaborative Innovation Center of Modern Tourism Development,Nankai University              

Key research directions: culture and tourism development planning and policy; modern tourism system for happiness and health; red tourism and red culture.

11.Institute of Cultural Innovation and Youth Development, Shanghai Jiao Tong University  

Key research directions: urban culture; network culture; youth culture.

12.China Academy of Arts Development Evaluation, Southeast University

Key research directions: artistic evaluation; artistic big data and digital humanities; literary criticism.

13.National Institute of Culture Development, Wuhan University

Key research directions: public culture and cultural space; culture and tourism theory and creative planning; culture industry theory and policy.

14.Centre for Intellectual Property Studies, Zhongnan University of Economics and Law

Key research directions: the legal system of intellectual property; legal issues in the field of culture and tourism; the protection of intellectual property.

15.Research Institute of China Tourism Group

Key research areas: tourism innovation research; tax-free economic research; tourism investment research.


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