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National Cultural Park Numerical Reconstruction Seminar was Successfully Held
来源:中国文化和旅游产业研究院 日期:2023-12-03 浏览次数: 字号:[ ]

On November 5, 2023, the National Cultural Park Numerical Reconstruction Seminar hosted by China Academy of Culture and Tourism of Beijing International Studies University was held in Conference Room 1003 on the west side of the 10th floor of Qiushi Building of Beijing International Studies University. The conference was chaired by Professor Wang Xin, vice president of the Institute of China Academy of Culture and Tourism.

Fig1. The National Cultural Park Numerical Reconstruction Seminar


The offline experts included Professor Zou Tongqian, Assistant to the President and President of China Academy of Culture and Tourism, Professor Wu Dianting from Beijing Normal University, Professor Tao Li from Capital Normal University, Sun Qi, general manager of Cultural Tourism China · Industrial collaborative innovation Business of China Culture and Media Group, Ning Yongqiang, Chairman of Beijing Microview Digital Technology Co., LTD., Associate Professor Li Fei from Beijing Union University, Zhang Yuchao, General Manager of Zhongke Digital (Beijing) Technology Development Co., LTD.; Hou Manping, Professor of Hebei Oriental University; Xu Daosheng, General manager of Guanspatiotemporal (Beijing) Cultural Development Co., LTD.; Gao Shibo, Deputy General manager of Beijing Venti Big Data Co., LTD.; Feng Xingyu, Postdoctoral Fellow of Social Sciences Press. Experts attending the online conference include Professor Cheng Suying and Postdoc Chang Jianxia from Henan University, Dean Qu Xueshu from Linfen Polytechnic, Associate Professor Wu Liyun and Li Yan from China Academy of Culture and Tourism of Beijing International Studies University. Some teachers and students of the China Academy of Culture and Tourism of Beijing International Studies University attended the meeting.


Fig2. Professor Zou Tongqian, Dean of the China Academy of Culture and Tourism at Beijing International Studies University, delivered a speech


At the meeting, the host, Professor Wang Xin, expressed his sincere thanks and welcomed the arrival of Zou Tongqian, Wu Dianting, Tao Li, and other experts. Professor Zou Tongqian gave an opening speech to the meeting and briefly introduced the theme of the seminar.


First, Professor Zou shared a relatively cutting-edge theory titled “Artificial intelligence and smart tourism”, vividly explaining the application of artificial intelligence in tourism, showing us the importance of artificial intelligence and digital technology to cultural heritage protection and the tourism industry.


Fig3. Professor Cheng Suiying and Postdoc Chang Jianxia of Henan University gave a speech


Fig4. Professor Wu Dianting of Beijing Normal University delivers a speech


Professor Wu Dianting of Beijing Normal University delivered a speech with the theme of “Realistic Misunderstandings and Breakthrough Paths in the Construction of National Cultural Park --On the Special Value and Development Strategies of the Jilin Section of the Great Wall”, explained in detail the five misunderstandings in the construction of national cultural park, and proposed a breakthrough path for the development of National Cultural Park. The unique value of the Jilin section of the Great Wall and the case of protection and development strategy were selected to give the conference an excellent explanation of theory and practice.


Fig5. Professor Tao Li of Capital Normal University gave a speech


Professor Tao Li from Capital Normal University made a live sharing about the National Cultural Park, put forward his views on the National Cultural Park, shared his research in detail, and cited the problems existing in the protection of cultural heritage in foreign countries, which is of great significance to the preservation of cultural heritage in China.


Fig6. Manager Sun Qi delivered a speech


Sun Qi delivered a speech on the theme of the “Grand Canal National Park” cultural IP digital asset library and Grand Canal Cultural Digital Immersive Experience Museum. General Manager Sun explained the project of the immersive experience Museum from four aspects: construction concept, technological innovation, implementation content, and project function. In the meeting, cultural IP, digital format, and experience scene were proposed, which enriched the content of this meeting.


Fig7. Ning Yongqiang, Chairman of Beijing Microview Digital Technology Co., LTD., delivers a speech


Ning Yongqiang, Chairman of Beijing Microview Digital Technology Co., LTD., delivered a speech on the theme of “Hebei Practice of Numerical Reconstruction Project of the Great Wall National Cultural Park --Readable Great Wall Digital Cloud Platform”. Chairman Ning shared the background, achievements, and value of the Hebei practice of the National Cultural Park Numerical Reconstruction Project. He looked forward to the development plan of the “Great Wall of Cloud”, which is a successful case of this theme meeting, fully demonstrating the importance of digital technology to tourism.


Fig8. Online comments by Wu Liyun, Associate Professor of the China Academy of Culture and Tourism at Beijing International Studies University


Fig9. Online comments by Li Yan, Associate Professor of the China Academy of Culture and Tourism at Beijing International Studies University


Associate Professor Wu Liyun and Li Yan from the China Academy of Culture and Tourism of Beijing International Studies University participated in the comments and summary online. Professor Zou, Professor Cheng, and Professor Wu discussed the construction of national parks from a theoretical perspective. Professor Wu also discussed the misunderstandings and development paths of constructing national cultural parks from a macro dimension. Professor Tao discusses the construction of cultural corridors from the perspective of culture. Professor Cheng discusses digital cultural tourism from the perspective of tourist experience. Sun and Ning shared scenes from offline and online digital cultural travel platform construction; associate Professor Li Yan said that when she encountered confusion while doing research, digital technology can give her a lot of inspiration, and this sharing is of great significance.


Fig10. Zhang Yuchao, General Manager of Zhongke Digital (Beijing) Technology Development Co., LTD., delivered a speech


Zhang Yuchao, General Manager of Zhongke Digital (Beijing) Technology Development Co., LTD., delivered a speech on “Digital Presentation of Cultural Travel and Analysis of Common Technical Means”. In the meeting, Mr. Zhang mentioned that the best digital form should be light equipment and intense interaction, divided the digital document into indoor interaction and outdoor display, and shared many real-world examples, which enriched the content of this meeting.


Fig11. Xu Dao-sheng, General Manager of Guanspace-time (Beijing) Cultural Development Co., LTD., delivered a speech


Xu Daosheng, General Manager of Guan Time Space (Beijing) Cultural Development Co., LTD., gave a speech on the theme of “Digital Technology Creates a New Scene of Cultural Travel, Immersive Experience Stimulates New Vitality of Consumption” and shared the exhibition projects currently being done, which is very impressive. Mr. Xu believes that it is possible to achieve sustainable development only by opening up the link of consumption from cultural resources to cultural products to cultural IP.


Fig12. Associate Professor Li Fei of Beijing Union University delivered a speech


Associate Professor Li Fei from Beijing Union University delivered a speech on “Conservation and Reproduction of the Heritage of Great Powers”. Professor Li said that his return to a second foreign language is like going home to a master’s under Professor Zou Tongqian and a doctorate under Professor Wu Dianting. Professor Li said that the national cultural park relies on linear cultural heritage, which is related to the culture of the big country. At the meeting, Associate Professor Li mentioned five points: protection and inheritance, research discovery, environmental support, cultural and tourism integration, and digital representation, and believes that authenticity and integrity are the two core elements of cultural heritage protection. In the meeting, Associate Professor Li Fei contributed his unique views.


Fig13. Professor Qu Xueshu, Dean of Linfen Vocational and Technical College, delivered a speech


Professor Qu Xueshu, President of Linfen Vocational and Technical College, delivered a speech on “Thinking and Practice of numerical reconstruction of Yellow River National Cultural Park”. Professor Qu shared four aspects: what is a numerical reconstruction of Yellow River National Cultural Park, why we have to reconstruct numerical Yellow River National Cultural Park, the content of it, and how to achieve numerical reconstruction of Yellow River National Cultural Park. He expressed his views in detail, which enriched the content of this seminar.


Fig14. Vice General Manager of Beijing Venti Big Data Co., Ltd. delivers a speech


Gao Shibo, Deputy General Manager of Beijing Cultural Investment Big Data Co., LTD., delivered a speech on “Commercial cooperation of digital Offline experience space in National Cultural Park”. Mr. Gao believes it is possible to extract themes that can be commercialized from the aspects of history or cultural inheritance rather than just experiencing culture from the perspective of culture.


Fig15. Professor Hou Manping of Hebei Oriental College commented on the scene


Hou Manping, Professor at Hebei Oriental University, commented on the teachers’ sharing in person and online. In addition, many experts shared and commented on the theme of numerical reconstruction of the National Cultural Park. The successful holding of this conference is of great significance for numerical reconstruction research of the National Cultural Park. Thank you for your sharing!

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