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 In response to China’s new era reform and development requirements and to further radiate academia-industry collaborationBeijing International Studies University and K.T.Cooperation have jointly initiated and established China Academy of Culture and Tourism (The Academy).

Beijing International Studies University (BISU), as a highland of Chinese culture and tourism research and education, has made significant contributions to national policy formulation and industry development. As a member of the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) and the Asia-Pacific Tourism Association (PATA), and the vice president unit of the China Tourism Education Association, its time-tested tourism management discipline, with tourism management, hospitality management and event management, enjoys a prestigious reputation. With UNWTO-TedQual going hand in hand with Huang Danian-Type Team of Excellence in Higher Education Institutions, BISU has also been awarded national-level featured disciplines, national-level quality courses, Beijing tourism management excellent teachers, excellent disciplines and excellent courses. Its master of tourism administration (MTA) and International student education also boost a well-known reputation. Widely serving national government and local governments, BISU has participated in the formulation of Tourism Law and a number of national and local standards and established strategic partnerships with a number of provincial and municipal governments. With national qualifications for tourism planning and design, BISU has also sent a large number of leading talents to the industry.

The Academy closely integrates and serves industry development, and conducts cutting-edge, practical and innovative research. The key research fields include culture and tourism big data, culture and tourism market regulation, application of artificial intelligence and AR/VRhealth and wellness tourism, industrial tourism, heritage tourism, as well as new formats and new models of culture and tourism. The Academy cooperates closely with enterprises, local governments and other institutions to conduct special research, consultation, and training, thus providing theoretical and policy support for governments, providing support for industry development, and providing assistance for local development.

The Academy has set up Culture and Tourism Big Data Lab, Artificial Intelligence Lab, Health and Wellness Tourism Lab, Pingtan International Tourism Island Research Centre, Industrial Tourism Research Centre and Administrative Office. In addition, the Academy has invited renowned scholars from home and abroad as academic counselors and researchers.

Adhering to the principles of openness, practice, service and innovation, the Academy strives to build “four platforms”--one for university-wide sharing, one for government-academia-industry collaboration, one for university-level exchanges and cooperation and one for industry integration and innovation. It’s aimed at building an international, innovative and practical-industrial modern think tank. The Academy will continue to closely keep up with academic frontiers, closely serve national needs, closely cooperate with industrial practices, and work together with friends from academic institutions and industries at home and abroad to make new and significant contributions to China culture and tourism development. 

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